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"Nathan solved a problem that neither my provider, nor host, nor even Apple could solve.

After at least 3 months, a friend passed me onto Nathan saying that he’d solved all her ongoing email issues.

All I can say is that Nathan was entirely professional, incredibly available and such a calming influence that he turned a stress into a breeze.

Every cent was worth three times the investment. Email has been smooth as silk ever since.

Thank you!"

Mindfulness Educator, Wellness Manager & Yoga Therapist
DipNAT, DipNUT, DipREM, mATMS, presently BHSc (CM)


Owner One Natural Therapies
Studio 1.1, 109 Edward St, Brisbane Q 4000
ph (07) 3220 0911

Nathan has managed our IT needs, personally now for a few years and we are very happy to recommend him, personally and his team from Frontier Computing to anyone looking for quality and cost effective IT service. Nathan has always been responsive and proactive in the management of our systems. Nathan has taken the time to really understand our business and how we operate to ensure our systems fit our needs and budget which is very important to our firm. If our systems don’t work, our business doesn’t work.

Nathan and Frontier Computing are always friendly and professional, always taking the time to explain things in a language I understand and always patiently answering questions. As a small business owner I know I don’t have to worry about IT, like my mechanic who looks after our 6 transfer vehicles ,Nathan looks after of our 6 computers which is just as important. Please feel free to contact me for an independent recommendation!!

Beric Lees
Pet & Equine Crematorium
Located at: Toowoomba & Ipswich.
Office: 12 Rocla Court, Toowoomba.
(Office Hours: Mon –Fri 9.00am-3.00pm Sat 9.00am-12.00noon)
Email: Website:
Ph: 07 46330290 all hours